To help you prepare for scheduled IEP meetings for your child, you
might find it useful to use the following form as an outline for
questions or concerns you may have. As you can see, there are several
topics that you may want to present to your child's case manager. This
will enable all concerned to have a more productive meeting. (For Printable Version Click Here)
My child's strengths (abilities, interests) academically and socially:
What my child has learned this year (in and outside of school):
What is difficult for my child to do in school:
What helps my child learn:
My goals for my child for the next school year:
My questions or concerns:
A Learning Resource Center Project/SPAN co-sponsored training activity. Funded by the NJ State Improvement Grant:Partnerships for Accdess, Equity, and Outcomes and I.D.E.A. Part B.