Teacher Technology Survey

Teacher technology Survey


Section 1. Self-Reflection on Technology in Instruction


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

I can easily access the available technology in the school when I need it.


I feel confident in my ability to integrate multiple technologies into my instruction. 


I have a variety of ideas and lessons for integrating technology into my teaching.


I have enough time to prepare technology- based lessons.


I believe that integrating technology into my curriculum is important for student success.


I am aware of the resources available by the district that can help me learn how to integrate technology.


I do not have the technology skills to support the students when they use technology for a project.

I am familiar with what technology is available to my students and me in our building.


I am familiar with the copyright laws that govern the acceptable use of technology (including using material from the Internet)


Section 2: Specific Technology Use in the Classroom

The questions in this section ask about the specific technologies you use in your classroom instruction, and the frequency with which you use them. Please read a description of each technology and rate the amount of time you spend working with that technology in your classroom.

Technology Description






Applications and Internet

Internet for developing lesson plans/ideas


Apps for tablets


Assistive Technology Tools

(digitatimers, recorders, graphic organizers, etc.)


Test Preparation


Web Design


Management programs for student data



Computer in the classroom


Active Board (e.g., White Board)




Tablets (e.g., iPads)


Digital video cameras


Section 3. Opinions and Attitudes on Technology Integration

The questions in this section ask for your honest opinions about different technologies their role in education, and the future of different technologies.


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

When using the internet…

Student create products that show higher levels of learning


Students are more motivated


Students go to inappropriate sites


There is more student collaboration


I think…

Most technology would improve my ability to teach


Technology has changed the way that I teach


Students are more knowledgeable than I am when it comes to technology


School systems expect us to learn new technologies without formal training


There is a focus on technology at my PLC meetings.



There is a focus on technology at my grade level meetings.
There are various opportunities for technology training.

Technology is a good tool for collaboration with other teachers when building unit plans



Technology is reliable


Section 4. Areas of Improvement / Technical Needs

The questions in this section are designed to determine what your technology needs are both school-wide and in your classroom.


Less Urgent-------------------More Urgent

I Need...






More time to integrate technology into my curriculum


More support from administration when it comes to my technology needs


More technical support to keep computers and applications running


More access to technology tools to integrate in my classroom instruction


Faster access to the internet


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