Piscataway High School will soon have an active chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the national high school and two-year college mathematics honor society.
PHS was accepted in the group on Nov. 30 and will begin accepting applications in the spring from juniors who wish to become members.
“We applied to be able to recognize the hard work that our math students put in,” said Frank Wrublevski, supervisor of math for Grades 7 to 12, “and to ensure that we have an honors society for every academic subject at the high school.”
Mu Alpha Theta is dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarships in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. Currently, more than 100,000 students are Mu Alpha Theta members at more than 2,420 schools in the United States and in 23 more in other countries.
"We are always seeking opportunities to recognize the many outstanding students at PHS and are excited to be able to bring this chapter of Mu Alpha Theta to the district," said PHS Principal Chris Baldassano.
PHS members will meet monthly and take part in mathematics competitions, seek scholarship opportunities, and do community service tutoring after school. Students will also construct and vote on the charter’s constitution. Math teacher Amanda Reeseg is the club advisor.